Saturday, November 20, 2010

'Stark Arthology'

The Canton Museum of Art is featuring a new exhibit entitled 'Stark Arthology' that will be running from November 19, 2010 through November 28, 2010.  Stark Arthology is  an anthology of 69 local area artists, whose works have been photographed and analogued in the printed book.  The exhibit at the Canton Museum of Art launches with a debut of the publication as well as a display or the original works of art featured in the anthology.  The project was funded by a $6,000 grant from Arts in Stark.  The idea for the project arose from Jessica Bennett, the executive director of Indigo Ink Press, and her interest in the local arts community.  After releasing an invite to local artists for submissions, Bennett received a total of 162 different submissions and whittled the group down to 69 unique exhibits that are featured in the book.  This is a great success for local artists and promotes exposure of their works to members of outlying communities.

The book is being sold for $29.95 at local area bookstores, as detailed in the photograph below.  The Canton Museum of Art is featuring free admission to the exhibit on Saturday, November 20th and Sunday, November 28th.

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