Thursday, September 23, 2010

making inside environment with PS tutorial

     I was interested in finding some supernatural looking environment involving buildings and using a two point perspective grid for the initial layout.  I found this grid to be helpful because you can reduce the opacity of it in the background and use it as guide when you need to.  I have always wanted to learn how to paint more efficiently in photo shop  and learn the different techniques involved.  The two point perspective is easy to use with creating depth with the buildings being forefront and the buildings seeming to vanish into the skyline.  It shows how to use the middle ground and build different shapes in the them to create spaceship like elements.  The reasoning behind my curiosity is because of an upcoming project with type 3 for a PSA announcement with NRDC issues at hand.  The tutorial talks about what kind of brushes to use for the windows and effects involved.  I am excited to attempt the tutorial and see what comes of it. It takes 4 to 5 hours and the tutorial is 12 hours long. May the force be with me.

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