Saturday, September 4, 2010

traveling to the west coast

     This past summer I took a vacation to Portland, Oregon. The west coast is beautiful and I felt at home in the progressive state.  They are more "green" than we are here in Ohio, the people are less judgemental about what you are wearing or what kind of car you drive and they have a saying...."Keep Portland Weird".  They do believe in same sex partnerships and recognize them as legal, but not "marriage" per say, is recognized. The whole state is in love with dark beer and I have never seen so many different kinds. I am now a Oregon Duck Fan.....only because of the Mrs. and I am love with how free they live their lives there compared to here in Akron, Ohio.  The arts there are unbelievable and I came across some really knockout artists and their work.  They are very abstract people and really take it to the next level in the world of the supernatural and the essence of what they think is beautiful or intriguing.  I loved the beaches with pieces of driftwood that naturally washed along the shoreline.  I had seen some of the most beautiful waterfalls, one imparticular, Multnomah Falls.  It was absolutely breathtaking.  I feel revived and refreshed coming back to Ohio, but I can see myself being a west coast freak all the way.

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