Saturday, November 13, 2010

New Study finds Lesbian Parents Safest

An article published in the Huffington Post on November 10, 2010 finds the "child abuse rate at zero percent in lesbian households." The Williams Institute, a research center on sexual orientation law and public policy at UCLA School of Law, studied and published these findings. The study is the longest-running type of its kind ever conducted on lesbian families, and has been ongoing for the past twenty four years. The data for the study was compiled from interviews of the 17 year old sons and daughters that were raised by lesbian mothers. The article was very interesting and found a rate of 0% of any child abuse, either physical or sexual. The results are staggering, when compared with that of 26% of children raised by heterosexual parents becoming victims of some type of abuse.

Studies and reports of this nature make me hopeful for more acceptance and tolerance in my future. My partner and I hope to begin our own family in the near future, and studies of this nature will hopefully increase the acceptance that our own children will need by that of their peers. Positive support of lesbian parenting, over time, should also assist in making it easier for homosexual couples to achieve second-parent adoptions more easily. I look forward to continuing to see these advances in my future.

Link to article: Huffington Post - Child Abuse Rate at Zero Percent in Lesbian Households

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